Owning & Training your puppy

Caucasian Mountain Dogs are generally easy to get along with, but basic training, proper raising from puppyhood and consistent socialization are essential.

The Caucasian Mountain Dog views his family as a pack with established social positions, including a leader. If the Caucasian perceives a vacancy in the pack-leader position, the dog will assume the leadership role. Dogs of this breed may be very cooperative during times of normal activity but will “take charge” if there is any disruption in routine, such as a visit to the vet or a stranger on the property.

Caucasian Shepherds need constant socialisation.

Successful breed ownership requires that the owner maintain the leadership or alpha role at all times. Puppies need extensive handling and must learn to be comfortable with being picked up and held, having their ears cleaned and having their owners handle their food bowls during meals. Young Caucasians must be rewarded for positive behavior, which nurtures the dog’s acceptance and trust of his owner as the leader.

The Caucasian Mountain Dog must learn to trust the alpha owner’s decisions.The Caucasian Mountain Dog breed innately views the world suspiciously. Therefore all puppy dealings with the world must be pleasant.

Caucasian puppies should be touched and petted by kind strangers and never be abused or scared. Puppies should be socialized off the family’s property two or three times per week,encountering as many new situations as possible. Puppies should also see strangers on their home property at weekly intervals and learn that visitors are part of the normal routine. The Caucasian Mountain Dog requires continued socialization to people on and off property throughout his life, so as not to become overly territorial and unmanageable.

Caucasian Mountain Dogs benefit from attending obedience classes for basic training. The dogs learn good manners and also gain valuable experience by meeting and obeying simple commands around strange people and dogs. Caucasian Mountain Dogs are very intelligent and learn quickly, but they become bored easily, especially with repetitive training methods. Short sessions utilizing a blend of traditional and inducive training methods are most productive.

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